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Single Head Series




The control system is very simple, so even beginners can operate it easily.

The work preparation table also operates with one-touch operation, so production volume is significantly higher than other models.

When using the WSH model, space savings can be maximized and the speed of the newly installed controller can also be experienced.

Single Head Work

Equipped with a self-developed sewing head, it is superior in durability, speed and performance compared to other companies' products.

Easy operation

Compared to other companies' products, the operation method is very simple, so not only is the work efficient, but any novice user can easily operate it.

Work Table

Compared to a typical work preparation table, a semi-automatic system is adopted, which reduces the user's labor.

CE safety standards

The safety of the machine has been confirmed by obtaining CE (European Community Safety Standard) for worker safety and work efficiency.

Tel. 053-582-1911 | Fax. 053-582-1915 | wonchang@wonchangm.com
42724. 370, Seongseo 4cha Cheomdan-Ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea

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