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NUBi Series



Rotary Hook(HSM-A) method uses sophisticated and superior product quality and fashionable embroidery work could be working concurrently to speed and efficiency increases.

Automatic Lubrication System(ALS) in a bobbin of hook and various machine parts of sewing machine oil by using a computer controlled injection properly, so maintenance is very easy extend the life of the machine.


Fully automatic computerized control and easy operation.

(Renewed latest computer controller)

Type of Sewing

Lockstitch is named because the two threads, upper and lower, "lock" (entwine) together in the hole in the fabric which they pass through.

Thread Detector

Detects thread breakage using a precisely designed sensor method.

Jump Control

Jumper operation is performed very smoothly using the solenoid method.

Tel. 053-582-1911 | Fax. 053-582-1915 | wonchang@wonchangm.com
42724. 370, Seongseo 4cha Cheomdan-Ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea

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